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5 Life Skills Financial Consultant, Helmi Hakim Learns From Fifa World Cup 2018…

5 Life Skills Financial Consultant, Helmi Hakim Learns From Fifa World Cup 2018…

Congratulations! France emerged as the CHAMPION for 2018 Fifa World Cup finals.

They won 4-2 against Croatia! 🙂
Helmi Hakim France
(My wife and I in front of Eiffel Tower in Paris)

France won the World Cup for the 2nd time after 20 years. They first won the World Cup in year 1998.

In every competitive game, I like to extract lessons that we can learn from the winners.

To be a champion is not easy. To be a WORLD CHAMPION is way, way tougher.
Success leaves clues. I want to uncover proven tactics employed by the world’s best athletes and sports performers.
And then apply them in our lives.

Let us learn from these top 2 teams, France and Croatia! 🙂


1. Mind Power To Visualise Success

To be a world class Fifa soccer player, you not only have to be physically fit.

These players are also really strong in their minds.
They really dominate their opponents from a physiological standpoint.

It sounds cheesy, but world-class athletes visualise winning a match the night before the match actually happens.

They visualise kicking the ball.
Feeling the sensation of the ball at their feet.
The smell of the grass.
And the sight of people standing and cheering them when they score a goal.

Sports psychologists say that visualisation is most effective when we include sound, sight and smell into the visualisation.

It programs the brain and primes the the muscles for top performance the next day.

The more specific the visualisation, the better.


When I coach my clients on how they can achieve their financial goals the shariah compliant way in Singapore.
I do my best to ensure my presentation encompasses visual aspects.
Auditory aspects. And kinesthetic aspects.

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(Some examples of my colorful presentation materials)

(and awesome videos. I have plenty of them on my facebook page.)

This is because human beings have different ways of learning.
Some people are visual. They must see, then understand.
Some people are auditory… They must listen to understand.
Some people are kinaesthetic...They must see movements and feel movements to understand.
I educate and share with my clients using their 5 senses.

The bigger, the clearer, the sharper and the more vividly they can see themselves achieving their goals in their minds, the BETTER.

Other than showing policy illustrations which show a lot of numbers (engaging their left brain).
I indulge them with pictures. (engaging their right brain)
Stories they can relate to. Colours. Sounds.

You can also do visualisation techniques everyday to remind yourself.
And to reinforce your focus to achieve the goals you desire.

Use the “Be. Do. Have.” model.

This is my favourite model.
Both Stephen Covey and Anthony Robbins use this model.



Step into the identity of the person you desire.
“Who Do I Need To Be?”
Have a clear picture on the results you desire.
Act “as if” your goal has already been achieved!
Be the person you would be if you have already achieved your goal

I am lean and fit.
I am energetic. I am focused. I am committed.
I am determined.
I am self aware.

DO: “What is my experience?”
Do the things that a successful person would do.

I watch what I eat everyday.
Dinner by 6pm. Sleep by 9pm.
After Subuh, I jog for 10km.  3X/week. Consistently.
Jogging is a weekly routine for me.
I love sports. I enjoy my life!


HAVE: What is the outcome?
You have or get exactly what you want.

Example: I weigh 70kg.
I achieve gold for IPPT every year.

I look 10 years younger my actual age.
I have more energy. More stamina.
More power. More endurance to perform at peak performance in
my role as a financial consultant. Insya’Allah! 🙂

2) Focus on factors you can control

Sports psychology.
When Croatia lost 3-1 to France, they were despaired.
Especially when the second goal by France was scored because of a penalty kick.
France gained momentum, puncturing Croatia players morale further by scoring a 3rd goal.
Yet Croatia never gave up. They kept attacking.
Maintaining top performance.

I was amazed with their tenacity to handling defeat… and coming back stronger.

What you focus on expands.
When you face a problem, focus 80% of your energy on the solution.

Croatia focused on attacking. Focused on trying to score goals.
And at last, scored their second goal when France’s goalkeeper was distracted for a split second.
Similarly in our lives, all of us face challenges when it comes to managing our personal finances.

CPF’s Retirement Sum will be $171,000 for those turning 55 this year.
GST to increase from 7% to 9% from 2021 to 2025.
Electricity tariffs increased by 6.3% this year.
ABSD for 2nd property has just increased to 12%.
There might be an economic downturn in 12-16 months now. (based on my discussion with fellow professional fund managers)

We can’t control all these changes.
Thus like I mentioned earlier, when you face a problem, focus 80% of your energy on the solution.

Your Financial Map

During my free “Your Financial M.A.P” session, I get my clients to focus on 3 things.

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I get them to focus on CPU!!!

FOCUS on Controlling your expenses.
FOCUS on Parking your savings.
FOCUS on Upgrading your skills.

CONTROLLING your expenses

Keeping your expenses in check is important.
When I meet prospects with huge credit card loans, I realised that they fail in 1 thing.
They fail in managing their personal finance.
Easy to swipe their cards. Difficult to pay back.
And then, saddled and drowned with this riba-based loans for the rest of their life.
Control your expenses like an eagle eyeing its prey.


PARKING Your Savings

I advise my clients to park at least 20% of their monthly salary every month in a shariah compliant savings account.

If you don’t have knowledge on how to grow your money the shariah compliant way in Singapore, the first step is to just park your money at Al-Wadiah yad Dhamanah savings account.

Instead of giving interest, that account gives you Hibah. Hibah is Halal.
Hibah is allowed under Islamic Finance perspective.


I believe in the mantra: “Once you stop learning, you stop earning.”

If you want to make more money (and have more money to save), you have to start learning a new profitable skill.

You can start a side-hustle with this new skill in future.

You can start by using your $500 Skillsfuture credits to attend practical courses which can

i) help you advance in your career, or
ii) start a side business.

Don’t underestimate the power of learning – once you are a few steps ahead of other people, you can teach our skills to others and potentially earn money from that.


3. Persistence And Always Move Towards Your Goals No Matter What


When you are confronted with challenges in life. Or being put down by others.
Don’t admit defeat.
Baffle your detractors. Keep shifting your target.
Don’t just stand there and soak up the punches.

When I saw how Croatia played the game, it reminds me of Japanese quality known as “Fukutsu no Seishin”
Persevering Spirit
Never give up. Never Quit. Never say die.

I really admire their ability to continue through adversity of every kind.

In fact, Croatia was so determined that they possessed ball 61% of time in the game.

We will face money challenges in some months which will push our saving goals.

Personally, I target to be debt free by April 2019.

I track my goal every month.

Then came a letter, mentioning that I have to contribute $5760 to my Medisave account!
Alamak Self-employed individuals like myself have to contribute to our own Medisave account manually every year.

And then came another letter, I have to pay $1112.54 for my motor insurance. And then came one more letter, that I have to pay $738 my road tax.

Every single letter that came to me requested me to pay for something.

Do these expenses affect my cashflow?

Of course! It dents my confidence.
It casts a tinge of doubt within me if I really can achieve my goal to be 100% debt-free by April 2019.

Then, I am reminded of Croatia team.
It reminds me of Japanese quality known as “Fukutsu no Seishin”
Persevering Spirit
Never give up. Never Quit. Never say die.

I shall just continue to hustle and work hard.
And I seek you doa that may we clear our riba based loans in Singapore.
Amin. Amin. Insya’Allah…



4. Work with coaches to help you grow your money

Recently, I  met a Pakcik and he told me that he invested $50,000 one lump sum in a shariah compliant equity fund 20 years ago.

Today, he checked his cash value, and he told me, “How come my cash value is $49,997? It barely broke even?”

I asked him, “Who is your financial planner?”

He told me that he doesn’t have a planner.
He does things himself. At that time, he thought it was better for him to do himself.

I shared with him.
Growing money is something which needs expert guidance.

A trained and experienced financial planner can help you reach your financial goals painlessly.

If he had a financial planner.
The financial planner would have educated him when to buy.
When to sell. How to buy. How to sell.
When to top up. And when to cut losses.

For his situation, this Malay proverb applies: “Nasi sudah jadi bubur.”


Now, he has no choice but to learn an expensive lesson.
It is a 20 year old lesson that all of us can learn from.
When we are doing our best to work towards our goals.
It is best to have a coach. Mentor. Planner.

Even World Cup athletes work with coaches and even sports psychologists to help them perform at peak levels.

Their coaches help to guide them.
Show them their blind spots. Pinpoint any mistakes they made along the way.
And remind them why they made a goal in the first place.

5. Start early and stay committed

Let’s look at Brazil player, Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior.

Neymar signed his first contract when he was at a young tender age of 12 years old.

That means he has committed to the sport for 15 years – considering that he started training formally when he was 11.

Neymar knew what he wants and start developing his craft early in life.

Commitment also comes in the form of changes to his lifestyle.

He has to give up junk food and eats strictly-planned meals 6 times a day.

His diet routine alone requires massive commitment which most people are not willing to do.

If he was not committed to hours of rigorous training everyday, the strict meal plans, his habit of getting 8 hours of sleep every single night, he will not be the superstar he is today.

When managing your personal finance, I also share with my clients that you have to start early.
Sometimes they asked me. “Helmi. When is it a good time for me to invest?”

I answered them, “10 years ago. When is the next best time?

You got to start early and commit yourself for long term.
Rome was not build on a single day.
Neymar did not transform into a world class soccer superstar overnight.

You have to hustle to earn your income. Discipline to save some of it.
Commitment and knowledge to grow it over the long term period.
No magic bullets. No short cuts! 🙂

I hope you can relate to what I share.
And learn something from it
Who knows? You will be the next world class super star in your field of choice.
Amin. Amin. Insya’Allah. 🙂

Now… If you are seeking a mentor, coach, consultant to share with you practical aspects on how you can save, accumulate and grow your money the shariah compliant way in Singapore, I am always ready to help you.

You can always whatsapp/sms me at 96520134 to schedule a FREE consultation.
Or perhaps click here to schedule an appointment.

You will want to schedule it asap because I can only accommodate 5 slots for this month.

Click here to schedule your FREE consultation today!

Take Care!  🙂



5 Steps To Maintain “Laser Beam Focus” To Achieve Your Financial Goals, The Shariah Compliant Way In Singapore

5 Steps To Maintain “Laser Beam Focus” To Achieve Your Financial Goals, The Shariah Compliant Way In Singapore

Now, we are coming mid of July.

Are you on track to ACHIEVE the goals that you set for yourself? 🙂


Many of us have deviated from our goals. Or at times, totally forgot about it.

Today, I want to share with you 5 steps on how you can maintain your laser beam focus to achieve your goals.

Personally for me, one of my goals is to be debt free by 1st March 2019.

Will I achieve it?

Make Doa for me that I will stay focus and istiqamah to achieve my goal!
And may Allah S.W.T. grant the same to you too!
Amin. Insya’Allah! 🙂

Today, I want to share with you….


5 Steps To Maintain “Laser Beam Focus” To Achieve Your Financial Goals, The Shariah Compliant Way in Singapore.

These 5 steps are the exact steps that I have taken to maintain my focus to achieve my goals.
And I am confident, it will be useful for you too!

1. Super Clear and Specific Goals

First thing first, you need to be clear on what you want to achieve.
Too many people when I asked them what they want to achieve.
They gave me vague answers.
I want to be rich.  I want to be happy.  I want more money.
I want to be super fit.
My personal take on this, unless you are super clear on what you want, it is difficult for you to achieve your goals.You need to be super clear and be as specific as possible on what you want to achieve.
And then you WORK RELENTLESSLY towards ACHIEVING them.

Helmi Hakim Sharing

Helmi Hakim Investment

Myself sharing with fellow financial practitioners on how to guide their clients to set financial goals


Example if you aim to buy a car.
so geram that COE prices in Singapore now lowest in 8 years. Just bought mine 2 years ago!!!
Are you aiming for a new car or a second hand car?

Are you aiming for a Japanese car like Honda Civic Hybrid,
Mazda MX 5-RF , Subaru Impreza 5D, Toyota Alavalon?

Or perhaps a continental car like Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen or Volvo?

Aiming for a Porsche Boxter is VERY DIFFERENT compared to aiming for a Chery QQ! 🙂

Segregate your goals into short term goals.
And also long term goals.

When will you like to drive that Porche Boxter?
By end of the year? In 2 years time? Or in 10 years?

Be very specific on them.
And MEASURE your progress.

2. Belief System

The 2nd step to maintain “Laser Beam Focus” To Achieve Your Financial Goals

Laser Beam

The Shariah Compliant Way in Singapore

is to BELIEVE that achieving those goals that you set for yourself is POSSIBLE.

Napolean Hill says, “Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, your body can achieve.”

I agree with Napoelean Hill 100%.

As most of you have known, I am a financial consultant who specialises in helping Muslim families plan their finance the shariah compliant way in Singapore.

And it is common in my line of work, that I face many skeptics.

Skeptics when it comes to growing their money the shariah compliant way in Singapore.

Deep in their heart, they want to do it. But at the same time, they don’t believe that it can be done in Singapore.

They told me,
” Islamic Finance is EXPENSIVE. It is only reserved for the rich Arabs.”

“It is DIFFICULT to understand.”

“It is troublesome/leceh/mafan.”


Before I get anyone to engage me as their financial consultant, I make them BELIEVE first that planning your finances the shariah compliant way  in Singapore is POSSIBLE!

Planning your finance the shariah compliant way can be done in Singapore! 🙂

I debunk the myths or their self imposed/self limiting beliefs one by one.

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(Powerpoint Slide From a Seminar I Conducted at Singapore Management University)

I showed them case studies.
Evidences. On how it can be done in Singapore.

I transfer my personal conviction by sharing my shariah compliant investment philosophies, relevant to Singapore’s context.

I told my skeptics.

You have to believe that it is possible.

In fact, I make sure that all my clients are as convinced as me before I agree to partner with them to plan their finances, the shariah compliant way in Singapore.

I turn my skeptics into ambasaddors.

You have to believe and be 100% convinced that your goals are achievable!
Only then, you can make it happen! 🙂

And of course, when you set goals you gotta to be REALISTIC.

Too many people set a goal that is not realistic.
Deep in their heart that they dont believe they can achieve it.

Every year, set goals and never achieve them.

At last, it becomes a self fulfilling phophecy.

When they set goals, they dont achieve it.
When they set goals, they dont achieve it.
This happens even when the goal involves a super low target. Because it has become a self fulfilling phophecy.

My advice is for you. Touch your heart.
Set a goal that you strongly believe that you can achieve and work relentlessly towards achieving them.


3. Your Surroundings

Thirdly, you have to take note of your surroundings.
Your environment.

On the authority of Abu Musa al-Ash’ari, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said
A good friend and a bad friend are like a perfume-seller and a blacksmith: The perfume-seller might give you some perfume as a gift, or you might buy some from him, or at least you might smell its fragrance.
As for the blacksmith, he might singe your clothes, and at the very least you will breathe in the fumes of the furnace.”
Bukhari and Muslim

You need to maintain a positive circle of family and friends.
Friends who want to see you succeed.
Friends who genuinely feel happy for your success.

One of my business mentors used to say, “If you hang out with 9 losers, you will see the 10th later.”

Be conscious of who you surround yourself with. You need put effort in that.

Muslim Financial Consultants

Muslim Financial Consultants Hariraya
(Fellow Muslim financial consultants in Singapore at a recent Hari Raya event)

To become a shariah compliant champion investor has its own set challenges.

Surround yourself with positive minded friends.

Surround yourself with people who are interested in finance. In entrepreneurship.

In personal development.

Especially those who earnestly looking at doing things the shariah compliant way.

No man is an island.

Work together with people.
Encourage each other.
You can go far alone. Your can go further together! 🙂

4. Eliminate Distraction

Eliminate distraction.

When you set out your goals, whether you want to clear your riba based loans in Singapore.
Or whether you want to achieve any of your financial goals the shariah compliant way in Singapore.

Confirm + Chop, there will be people who are negative towards your ambition.
They say you are not good enough.
They say you cannot do it.

Doesn’t matter what evidence you provide. What justifications you give. Whatever things you say to convince them. They insist that your goals are impossible to achieve.

Even worse – they try to bring you down.
They membawang spread rumours about you. Some are plain jealous.

What I want you to do is to spend lesser time with them.
Don’t cut off silaturahim.
Just spend lesser time with these people.

You cannot satisfy everybody.

You know in this world, there is one particular animal.
One insect which only sees shit.

In this world, there are many beautiful things.
Flowers. Trees.

But this insect – similar to a group of people – only sees shit.
In their eyes, they only see problems.
My entrepreneur friends term these people as LALAT… or flies.

Don’t bother about them.
Think about your BIG WHY.
Think about your love ones who want to see you succeed.
Kalau orang DOWNkan you. You kena tunjukkan you UP!!!

I am sorry that I am a bit emotional about this.
I have seen too many good businesses get sabotaged due to envy.
Too many people quit because of what other people say.

My friends, our lives in this world are temporary. We are preparing bekalan for the akhira which is forever.

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Timeline of a human being


Why worry about what other people say?
Why do we want to focus on unnecessary distractions?
Those Who Mind Don’t Matter, and Those Who Matter Don’t Mind!


Let me share with you what distractions did to me.
I stay in Punggol. And I have an financial advisory appointment with my client at Punggol Waterway Point.
It is just a 5 minutes drive from my home.

Due to many distractions in my mind, I unintentionally drove into an expressway.
To exit and uturn, I had to do it in Tampines.
When I returned back, I got stuck in a traffic jam.
A 5 minutes journey become a 40 minutes journey because of distractions.

What I learnt from here is that if you face distractions, eliminate them.
Stay focused on your goals.

5. Mentor/Coach

In life, you don’t have to bet on your destiny.
Don’t have to gamble. Find a mentor.

Find someone who has achieved what you set for yourself
and after you find one.

Sami’na wa atho’na. (Surah Al-Baqarah [2]:285)
Listen. And follow.

What I share with my family and friends, once you find a mentor, just follow him/her.

Be humble.

As long as the strategies shared do not trangress shariah and are Halal, just follow.
Dont argue with your mentor. Dont bicker with him.
Because your mentor can see what you cannot see.

And because we want baraqah ilmu.
We want our mentor to give blessings to the knowledge transferred to his/her murid/disciples.

Mentor will ensure you remain on track. And if you deviate, you will return to back to the correct path.

I remember a story shared by one of my business mentors.

We all know donkeys.

Donkeys are known as stupid animals. They are usually preys in the jungle.
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One day, a donkey went to the jungle…
All the animals were suddenly scared of that donkey.
All the animals suddenly ran away from that donkey.
Because the donkey walked in with a lion next to him.
The donkey made friends with the lion!


When you make friends with a “lion” or a powerful mentor,
You make friends with people with proven successes.
People with credibility.

Your detractors will be nervous.

And as time pass, you will be like your powerful mentors.
And in return, achieve the goals that you are after.

Follow these 5 steps closely. I doa that you will achieve all the goals that you have set for yourself for year 2018.
Amin. Amin. Insya’Allah. 🙂

Now… If you are seeking a mentor, coach, consultant to share with you practical aspects on how you can save, accumulate and grow your money the shariah compliant way in Singapore, I am always ready to help you.

You can always whatsapp/sms me at 96520134 to schedule a FREE consultation.
Or perhaps click here to schedule an appointment.

You will want to schedule it asap because I can only accomodate 5 slots for this month.

Click here to schedule your FREE consultation today!

Take Care!  🙂


Change Your Finances With 5 Shariah Compliant Rules of Wealth In Singapore…….

Change Your Finances With 5 Shariah Compliant Rules of Wealth In Singapore…….

If you look through the feeds of your facebook, 1 theme seems to pop up.


Yes. For the first time in the history of Malaysia, the rakyat have voted Pakatan Harapan to form a new government.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed returned back to politics as the 7th Prime Minister of Malaysia.

And Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim is now freed from prison.

I have mixed feelings about the new political landscape in Malaysia. And I am not going to comment much.

Today, I would like to share more on POSITIVE change  that you can do to bring  YOUR FINANCES to a whole new level! 🙂

As some of you might have known, I have a mini ‘library’ in my house.

Books Helmi Hakim


And I just finished reading the book, “The Rules of Wealth by Richard Templar”.

Rules Of Wealth


As I flipped through it, I saw many gems of info which can bring CHANGE.

Can transform your finances for the better.

And Alhamdulillah, I’ve decided to put a shariah compliant swing to some of the tips in here. 🙂


1) Change Your Money Beliefs

Sometimes, when I meet my prospects, they tell me that they want to be rich.
They want to be wealthy. They want to be happy.

Yet, when I probe in further, I realise that quite a number of them have a negative money mindset.

Negative beliefs about money.

Stressful Pple

Some examples.

Money is the root of all evil.
Money is dirty.
I don’t deserve to be rich.
Money is only made by the greedy and dishonest.
It is somehow better to be poor.
In my mind, if you have negative beliefs about money on a subconscious level, it is difficult for you to be rich.

You are self sabotaging yourself from not achieving financial success.

You cannot be the things you don’t like.

In fact, if you read about “Law Of Attraction”, you know if you think negatively about something, you will attract more negative things in your life.

If you think Money is the root of all evil. You think money is dirty.
You think you don’t deserve to be rich.
You think money is made by the greedy and dishonest.
Or you think it is somehow better to be poor.

That is going to happen to YOU!!


So what I want you to do is to CHANGE your negative money mindset to positive money mindset.

Money Mindset


Money is OK.
Wanting money is OK.
I am prepared to put in the work.
I am going to be wealthy and generous Muslim/Muslimah.
Every step I take in my work is an ibadah.
9 out 10 doors of rezeki comes from business.
“The upper hand is better than the lower hand, the upper hand being the one that gives and the lower hand being the one that receives.”
Source: Sahih Muslim 1033, Grade: Sahih

The first step to achieving wealth is to change your money beliefs.

I can give you 1001 shariah compliant financial strategies and concepts to grow your money.

But if you have negative money mindset, it becomes difficult for me to help you.

Change your money beliefs now! 🙂



2) Change by understanding wealth is a consequence and not a reward

In The Rules of Wealth, Richard Templar mentioned for us to Understand that Wealth is a Consequence, not a Reward.

It means as a consequence of you working hard at making money, you stand a better chance of becoming rich.

I agree with this statement.

‘Man Jadda, Wa Jadda’ whoever strives shall succeed.



After you make doa to Allah S.W.T.
Devise strategies to achieve your goal.
YOU HAVE TO TAKE MASSIVE ACTION and innovate yourself to success.

There is no shortcut to financial success.

You don’t get  the money by a committee who examine whether you deserve it or not, whether you have been good enough or not.
As Richard Templar said that we are paid for our ‘clever thinking’ and ‘hard work’.

Clever thinking.

And hard work.

The harder and smarter you work, the more you will earn.

There is a car cleaner in England who charges £5000 per car wash.

His name is Paul Dalton.

His niche is in cleaning supercars.



He did not get to charge £5000 per car wash by fluke.

He is rewarded for his meticulousness.
His savviness for selling his services.
Years of experience and his courage for approaching high net worth individuals to offer his services.

And not to forget, his clever marketing skills.

As a consequence to his hard work, thinking and marketing skills, he gets to charge £5000 per car wash.

So remember.

Doa + Hard Work + Clever Thinking = Positive Wealth Consequence


3. Change Your Loans and Debts Into Cash

Richard Templar suggests that “The very first thing you need to do on your wealth quest is to get loans/debts paid off as soon as possible and do nothing else until that’s done.”

I agree with him. 🙂


Some people asked me, “Helmi. Some debts can be Good Debts. Some debts can be Bad Debts.
Why do you want to be DEBT FREE?”

My answer is simple.

This is because currently, there is NO shariah compliant financing facility in Singapore.

To buy a house. To acquire working capital to run your day to day business operations.

There is none.

No Shariah compliant financing facility in Singapore.

There is why I CHOOSE to buy in cash.
And as a Muslim, I DO NOT WANT to associate myself with debts that includes riba (interest).

In the Quran, chapter 2, verse 275,
“Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden riba”.

That is why if I have a loan with interest, I target to clear it asap.


Richard Templar also said: “Debt bogs us down and holds us back.”

I see Riba as chains to my leg that prevent me from realising my fullest potential.
Reason being, when I make money, I want the baraqah that comes along with it.

That is why, every single step in my financial planning process, I took great care to ensure that it is shariah compliant.

Because we want to get baraqahBlessings from Allah S.W.T.

Let me share with you a little secret. If you always feel insecure. Always worry about something.
Come back to Allah S.W.T.
And especially when it comes to problems with your personal finance.
Understand this.

Baraqah will save you! 🙂


4. “Don’t envy what others have.”

Richard Templar says that we shouldn’t envy others, but LEARN from them.

When he meets someone incredibly successful, he will do his best to  find out how the person did it , and whether the method will suit him.

This is an empowering attitude to have.

Most of the time, if we know the level of hard work.
All the sacrifices that these super successful people go through.
We might not envy them much!


Helmi Icerberg 1024x704


In Islam, every one of us is BLESSED differently.

Thus, there is no point envying someone else who is richer.
More popular.
Or better looking.

When we envy others, we are counting other people’s blessings instead of our own.

Malay says, “Rezeki masing masing.” 🙂

Allah S.W.T. said in the holy Quran, Surah An-Nisa, Chapter 4, Verses 32.

“And wish not for the things in which Allah has made some of you to excel others.
For men there is reward for what they have earned, (and likewise) for women there is reward for what they have earned, and ask Allah of His bounty. Surely, Allah is Ever All-Knower of everything.”

You must do the best that you can, using all your abilities and resources which Allah S.W.T. has given you.

It is an amanah for you on this earth.

After you do your best and if some people are still doing better than you in life.
then you must make doa to Allah S.W.T.

BUT never, ever feel envious of others who are doing better than you.

You must have full belief in Allah that whatever you do.
You will have reward of it from Allah S.W.T.

The reward may be in some other way if it is not the way that you expect it to be.

5) Get some money mentors

Richard Templar advocate having money mentors.

I strongly agree with him.

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Above is a drawing that I always present to my clients and friends.

There are 2 ways for you to achieve your goals.

First without a mentor.

Second WITH a mentor.

Your journey from Point A to Point B.

With a mentor, he/she can guide you and will make the difficult journey EASIER for you.

Which do you choose? With or without a mentor? 🙂

I hope you learn something from my sharing.
My mantra in life is simple.

“When you stop learning, you stop earning.”

“You have money. You don’t have money. The feelingis different.
Take charge of your personal finances today!”


Now… If you are seeking a mentor, coach, consultant to share with you practical aspects on how you can save, accumulate and grow your money the shariah compliant way in Singapore, I am always ready to help you.

You can always whatsapp/sms me at 96520134 to schedule a FREE consultation.
Or perhaps click here to schedule an appointment.

You will want to schedule it asap because I can only accomodate 5 slots for this month of Ramadhan.

Click here to schedule your FREE consultation today!

Take Care!  🙂

5 Superb + Awesome Wealth Habits of the Greeks

5 Superb + Awesome Wealth Habits of the Greeks

Alhamdulillah… My wife and I landed safely in Athens a few days ago.

I would like to thank my clients, family and friends for helping me achieve this company’s incentive trip as a reward for my hard work in 2017. 🙂
Back to the topic…

The Malay proverb says, “Jauh perjalanan, luas pemandangan.”

It means when we travel more, we experience more on things that we’ve never experienced before.

While researching about Greece and their culture, assimilating with its people, I found some superb + AWESOME wealth habits that I feel, we should emulate them.

And I want to share them with you! 🙂


1. The Greeks Are Friendly And Approachable People

The Greeks are very friendly, cheerful and approachable people.
And then I found out… It is inherent in their culture dated many, many years back.

Xenia  is the ancient Greek concept of hospitality.
It is the generosity and courtesy shown to those who are far from home honouring guest-friendship.

The rituals of hospitality created and expressed a reciprocal relationship between guest and host expressed in both material benefits (such as the giving of gifts to each party)
as well as non-material ones (such as protection, shelter, favors, or certain normative rights).

So that is why… when you see the Greeks, you can sense their warm, caring and sweet disposition.

To my mind, this kind of approachable disposition is important, especially when you run your own business.
When you run your own business, you have to work with people.
Your partners. Your staffs. Your customers! 🙂

Having such warm, caring and understanding disposition will make people LIKE you more.
They work hard because of you.
And in return, improve your company’s productivity and bottom line! 🙂

And oh yes!!!  🙂
Some small tips from me…. The Greeks love it especially if you as a foreigner try to speak their language.
(Of course… Greek is the oldest written language in the world.
And Greek is one of the oldest language on Earth. Its spoken for over 3000 years!)

Say Kalimera” instead of Good Morning.
Say “Efharisto” instead of Thank You.
Say “Efharisto poly” instead of Thank You Very Much.

You will see big proud smiles on their face.

To my mind, if you want to be good business people,
you have to be generous with your smile.
Try to smile now! 🙂

Smile is also a sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).



2. The Greeks have a healthy eating habits.

In sales, people with the highest energy wins.
And to have high energy, you must be healthy. You must be fit. You must be energetic.

My fitness coach always share with me that you are what you eat.



The Greeks have considerably one of the healthiest diet in the world.
This is because their diet is based largely around fruit and vegetables, wholegrains, fish, and a small amount of cheese and yoghurt.

Oh yes! They love olive oil.
(Fun Fact: They are over 120 million olive trees in Greece.  Some being 7+ centuries.)


Basically, all the healthy stuffs.

So, if you want to be a sales champion, a successful entrepreneur, you need to keep yourself fit!
You can adopt Greek diet lifestyle in your life too! 🙂


3. The Greeks are more frugal now.

Since their financial crisis, the Greeks are now more frugal with their spending.


Below are some findings according to a 2014-2015 study done by AUEB (Athens University of Economics and Business).

7 in 10 respondents said they have scaled down their expenses to mostly bare necessities.

96.4% of respondents will decide specifically on items to buy before heading to the shops. Of that, 60% would have already decided on the specific brand of products to buy (compared to just 49% in 2013).

Personally, I think it’s a good idea to be very clear about the items we want to purchase before going to the malls.

Have a shopping list! 🙂

Once we have a clear and concise list at hand, there will be fewer chances of us spending on unnecessary items.

This brings to mind the constant battle of ‘Needs vs Wants’.

I will give a personal example.

From November 2017 till January 2018, Singapore was struck by the rainy season.

My wife helps me with our laundry and she noticed that our clothes took many days to dry – during that time.

It was inconvenient for us as we have a 10-month-old baby. Our baby changes clothes several times a day and needs freshly-cleaned clothes, towels and bibs every single day for school.

My wife had to buy new clothes and towels for our daughter to pack to school because the ones she washed took too long to dry.

She suggested buying a dryer and I was contemplating whether it was a ‘need’ or a ‘want’.

In the end, after witnessing several days of damp laundry not drying on time and as the unwashed pile of clothes gets bigger, we had no choice.

The dryer – which was more of a ‘want’ before the rainy season struck – became a ‘need’.

Simply put, ‘needs’ refers to necessities whereas ‘wants’ are items we desire to have.

To see how I apply the ‘Needs vs Wants’ concept to a different scenario, you can watch the video below. 🙂

This video refers to the common ‘Needs vs Wants’ battle which potential brides and grooms face when planning for a wedding.


4. The Greeks buy with cash.

When the Greeks go out for a meal, they will bring cash. That’s because credit cards and cheques are usually not accepted!


Interestingly, they will usually bring MORE CASH than necessary because it is considered embarrassing if they do not offer to pay for their friends’ meals as well. 🙂

Other than restaurants, many small shops only accept cash too.

This is good – as I’m a perpetual SUPPORTER of buying things with CASH!


This ensures that I will not accumulate debt – especially riba-based debts.

If you know me personally, you would know that I keep loans to a minimum.

At this moment, I only have 1 loan – my HDB housing loan, which I’m strategising to clear as fast as possible.

I equate ‘no loans’ with ‘freedom’. 🙂

And being free of riba-based loans (where possible) should also be the goal of most Muslims.


5. The Greeks would find many excuses to unite and celebrate.


The Greeks, they have this special concept known as “Kefi”.
Kefi has been described by various Greeks as meaning the spirit of joy.
High spirits. Fun. In general, you love life. 🙂

Greeks do love festivities.
And they are always looking for an excuse to conglomorate, unite and celebrate.

These festivities bring families together.
Young and the elders meet. Share their story. Their life.

That is something to my mind, we should emulate on.
Whatever challenges we faced in life, persevere forward.
Always find time to strengthen the ukhwah, relationship with your family and friends.

After all, blood is thicker than water! 🙂


I hope you learn something from my sharing.
My favourite past time is to learn about other peoples’ culture and embrace them if I find it compatible with our way of life.
If you will also like to discover aspects on how you can grow your wealth in Singapore,
combining the best in conventional finance, and the best in Islamic Finance.

You can always whatsapp/sms me at 96520134 to schedule a FREE consultation.
Or perhaps click here to schedule an appointment.

I make myself available for 5 consultations per week.

Click here to schedule your FREE consultation today!

Take Care! Insya’Allah! 


5 Shariah Compliant Hacks Found in ‘Tools of Titans’ Book… Not Many People Are Aware…

5 Shariah Compliant Hacks Found in ‘Tools of Titans’ Book… Not Many People Are Aware…

I always believe 2 things will shape you to who you become in life.
1) The People Whom You Spend Most Time With Everyday
2) The Books You Read

Alhamdulillah. All Praises to Allah S.W.T. 🙂

A few days ago, I finished reading a New York Times bestseller book: Tools of Titans.

This 700-page book was written by Tim Ferriss who also wrote other successful books such as The 4-Hour Work Week.

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I was attracted to Tools of Titans because it has nuggets of wisdom from over 113 world-class performers.
Global icons.
High-achievers of the world.

My take is that if you want to be successful in whatever you do.
You have to model successful people.
People who have already achieved the results you desire.
And this book offers just that!!! 🙂

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I like Tools of Titans because it is generously peppered with simple-to-copy actionable habits & routines done by these world-class achievers.
They are so simple that we can incorporate their habits into our lives – today. 🙂

For most of you whom have been following my blog posts dilligently.
You would have known that I am a financial consultant that specialise in helping Muslim families plan their finance, the shariah compliant way in Singapore.

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(Myself doing facebook ‘live’. LIKE my facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/helmihakim.fp/
if you want real time financial tips in video format!)


As a practising financial consultant, I actively look out and find ways how to combine traditional, conventional business concepts.
And synthesize them together with shariah compliant best practices in the Islamic World.
In accordance to our glorious Quran and Hadith.
So here I present to you….

5 Shariah Compliant Hacks I Learn While Reading ‘Tools of Titans’ Book…

1. Taking Action is What Matters

There is a saying which goes: ‘Ideas are nothing. Doing is EVERYTHING.’

We can get any information we want using Google. Or borrow books from library.
Ask experts in their own field.
Or perhaps brainstorm them ourselves! 🙂

Yet, what is more IMPORTANT is what we do with the information.
Taking action is what matters!

Jim Rohn, a motivational guru, mentioned in this book: “If you let your learning lead to ACTION, you become wealthy.” 🙂


Personally, I like attending seminars and I’ve been attending seminars since 10 years ago.

These seminars are not cheap – some cost thousands of dollars. When I’m at a seminar, I will give my 100% focus and implement strategies on the spot.

If I’m unclear about something, I will raise my hands and even speak into a mic in front of a large audience – just to clarify my doubt.
What happens after the seminar ends?

I apply the strategies ASAP and turn all my new knowledge into ACTION.
My actions have to lead to great results at work.

I will ensure that if I invest $1000 in a seminar, my results will DOUBLE, TRIPLE or QUADRUPLE the $1000 I spent.
In this book, Benjamin Disraeli’s quote: “Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action” rings true for me. 🙂
During my “Your Financial M.A.P.” session program, I share with my prospects on how they can clear their consumer loans FAST.
And at the same time, save their 3-6 months emergency expenses FAST.

I share with them.

Today, you come to me with money problems. Allah S.W.T. move your heart to meet me.
I never reach out to you. You are the one who come to me.
The fact you meet me is a Qadr from Illahi.
I am just the asbab. The intermediary to share with you how you can solve your money problems.
If Allah S.W.T. shows you the way how you can solve your money problems, and you dont take action, you are the one who lose out.

Allah will not change the people, unless the people change what is in themselves.

Doa. Usaha( Action). And Tawakkal.

From an Islamic point of view, knowledge (ilmu) and action (amal) work hand in hand together.

2. The best investment is….in yourself.

According to Anthony Robbins, paying $35 for a 3-hour seminar (when he was 17 years old) was the turning point in his life.
He was reluctant to spend that money at first. Why?

Because he was a cleaner earning $40 a week at that time!

But he got clarity and direction with that $35 – which was priceless.

For me, although I am a finance degree holder, and considered fairly experience in my line of duty,
I continue to invest in myself.

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I bought books. I took more Islamic Finance certifications.
Undergo more business development courses. More personal development seminars.
I travelled regularly.
To Kuala Lumpur.
To gulf countries like Oman, Dubai. To all parts of the world.
To seek fresh new ideas.
And to seek mentors and learn from the best in the industries.

To me, once you stop learning, you stop earning.

The best investment you can do is… investing in yourself. 

Even Warren Buffett took a public speaking course when he was 20 years old.
Warren Buffett may be a legend in the investment field, but he is still a firm believer of investing in himself.
The idea of continually upgrading ourselves with ilm (knowledge) is synonymous with Islam.

We educate ourselves to what is right. And what it wrong.

How do we know what is right (Amar) and what is wrong (Maaruf)?

Through guidance from the right mentors and acquiring ilm (knowledge) by reading.

When our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) received his first revelation in the Cave of Hira’ through the angel Jibril (Gabriel), he was asked to read (Iqra’).

The first words that were revealed to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)
were ‘Iqra’ (Read).
and then, Alhamdulillah, our beautiful Deen, Islam was established.


I pray to Allah (SWT) to help us all develop a love for reading beneficial books and increase us in beneficial knowledge. Amin… Amin… Insya’Allah! 🙂

‘Allaahumma ‘innee ‘as’aluka ‘ilman naafi’an, wa rizqan tayyiban, wa ‘amalan mutaqabbalan.’

(O Allaah, I ask You for knowledge that is of benefit, a good provision, and deeds that will be accepted)
(Recite in Arabic upon rising in the morning)



3. ‘Put the big stones in first’

This quote is from Kaskade, a five-time Grammy-nominated musician.

This quote means: to give time and attention to the important things in our lives first.

For example, my ‘big stones’ (or important things in my life) are my family and my work.

Helmi Family

(One of the most important things in life. My family.)

Imagine holding a glass jar in your hand.
And you have sand, small stones and big rocks on a table next to you.
When we put the small stones and sand in the jar first, the big rocks can’t get in it.

But when we fill the jar with the big rocks first, the smaller rocks and sand can find little corners and spaces to fit in.

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Everything fits in the end!

This metaphor means: to block out time every day for the important things (the ‘big rocks’), first.

The little less-important tasks will be scheduled around the ‘big rocks’.
For work, the ‘big rocks’ should be tasks which bring you closer to a big work-related goal.
Prioritise what matters 🙂

4. Conquer Your Fear with 4 Simple Yet Powerful Questions

Most people will choose unhappiness over uncertainty – according to Tim Ferriss.
Many of us are scared of uncertainty and failure.

If you want to try something very much.

Yet, you are too scared to do so.

You can CONQUER that fear using these 4 simple yet POWERFUL questions.

They are…

• What is the absolute worst thing that could happen if you did what you are considering?

• What steps can you take to repair this damage and get everything under control?

• What is costing you – financially, emotionally and physically – to postpone this action?

• Do you know anyone who is less qualified than you who has done this before and pulled it off?
When I am confronted with “challenges” in life.
OR when I am presented with an opportunity that sends butterflies to my stomach,
I recalled this ayah.

Surah Al Baqarah, Verse 286 in our holy Quran.
“Allah does not burden a soul, beyond that it can bear.”

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And then, I do my level best to CONQUER that fear using these 4 simple yet POWERFUL questions.

• What is the absolute worst thing that could happen if you did what you are considering?

• What steps can you take to repair this damage and get everything under control?

• What is costing you – financially, emotionally and physically – to postpone this action?

• Do you know anyone who is less qualified than you who has done this before and pulled it off?

After answering those questions, usually I will feel good.
More confident.
And I start to draft out my plan.
Because I know that 80% of success in any endeavour boils down to preparation!

And that is how I overcome challnges and prepare myself 101% to succeed in whatever opportunities presented to me! Insya’Allah! 🙂

5. Long term goals need long term focus

When we are going after our long-term goals, frustrations will crop up along the journey.

Some people thought, successful people have it easy.
Chicken feet for them. Everything goes as planned. No challenges.
Easy peasy!

haha! Not true!


Let me give you a real life example that happened earlier this morning! 🙂

For the past few months, I have been studying brands worldwide and was inspired to have my own uniform.
Takaful.sg set of uniform! 🙂
I want to look good, carry my brand proudly and appear well-dressed in front of my clients.

Thus I spent hours shopping for some good quality shirts.
And sent them to have my logo printed at a printing shop.

Was told that the whole process will take 3 weeks. I waited for over a month.
No calls. No SMS. No whatsapp msges.

Then I decided to pay them a visit.
To my disappointment, when I came down to collect my shirts, the logo was not printed as expected!

New Logo

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It looks amateurish, like plastic stickers pasted on the shirts!

I felt disheartened. Angry. Sad.

Takaful.sg is my baby. Is my brand!
It’s what I have been working so hard, day and night to build it to what it is today!
How can they haphazardly smack my brand???!

Then, I recalled what entrepreneur and renowned gymnastics coach, Christopher Sommer (Coach Summer) said in the book,
Impatience in dealing with frustration is the primary reason that most people fail to achieve their goals.”

Facing frustrations is part of the path towards excellence! 🙂

I told myself, we have to stay focused for the long-term if we want to achieve our long-term goal.
We can’t be beating ourselves up for small bumps along the journey.

The path to success is never straight! 🙂

“Learn and appreciate the process,” mentioned Coach Sommer.
There you have it 🙂

5 Shariah Compliant Hacks Found in ‘Tools of Titans’ Book which not many peeople are aware of! 🙂

I have learnt much, much more than just 5 Hacks from this book.
Every time I open this 700-page book, I will come across a nugget of valuable advice which I did not notice before.
Which other self-help book would you recommend? 🙂

If you like to integrate more POWERFUL STRATEGIES in your life.
If you will also like to discover aspects on how you can GROW YOUR WEALTH, the shariah compliant way in Singapore, you can always whatsapp/sms me at 96520134 to schedule a FREE consultation.
Or perhaps click here to schedule an appointment.

I make myself available for 5 consultations per week.

Click here to schedule your FREE consultation today!

Take Care! Insya’Allah! 🙂