Yesterday, our team have our “Lou Hei” session at Melleo’s Place Cafe, East Point Mall. 🙂
Its a culture in our team, where we frequently gathered together, to build the cohesive and camaraderie, while strengthening our team spirit, in facing challenges and obstacles that fall upon us… too long winded
Btw, 20 seconds advertisements, to my friends’ blog. 🙂
Alvin Soong :
Wei Liang:
Thomas Ong:
Evelyn Cai:
Back to Lou Hei….
‘Lou Hei’ is the tossing of ‘Yu Sheng’, a colourful salad platter of raw fish and crunchy vegetables, to symbolize luck and prosperity.
This dish is traditionally served on the seventh day of Chinese New Year, which the Chinese celebrate as “everyone’s birthday.”
The 7th day of Chinese New Year is known as “yan yat” (day of humanity). Each day of the new year is named after an animal.
”Yee” means “fish” and “Sang” means “toss”. However, “Sang” as it is pronounced can also mean “rise up” or “give birth”. “Yee” can also mean “prosperity”.
The rule of yee sang is that the dish itself must be very colourful. It usually consists of coloured flour strips in red and green.
Also shredded carrot, shredded radish and ginger which has been dyed red and green. Crispy strips of fried stuff is added. This is arranged on a large plate with each ingredient seperate from the other.
When ready, you mix it up with the sauces, and use chopsticks to toss the whole thing up….while everyone “shouting sales ar, sales ar, sales ar“….
The higher you toss the salad and the louder you shout ‘Lou Hei’ or “sales”, the more luck you will have in the coming year.
hahahhhh…Its kinda good for bonding exercises! 🙂
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I always like Lou Hei!! Better Lives and Prosperity for all in 2009!
I like the crispy ceral things in the dish too =)
Alvin >>> Yeah Bro! Lou Hei is a symbolistic occasion where great minds meet to cast splendid hopes and gigantic expectations for the year!
True! True! The crispy cereal thing is crunchy and sweet, especially with the honey! 🙂