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Many people have dreams that they wish to attain.

“I want to make $XXX a month from the internet”

“I want to write a book on XXX by 31 December 2007”

“I want this….I want that.”

Never ending…. and most of us in this planet laments “lack of time” as the most common excuse for not achieving our goals.

Let me share with you something.

Everyone be it Bill Gates, Robert Kiyosaki, Anthony Robbins have 24 hours a day.

We are all run by the same “ticking” clock.


What differentiate a successful person and not, is how we manage our time.

Right now I am going to share with you 3 strategies on how you can have more time to do what you really one.

1) Keep your place tidy

Yes…Clean up your desk. Throw away things that you dont need. Put aside all the unwanted materials . Get rid of them. If not you will feel overwhelmed.

2) Have a time table

In my field of endeavour as a financial associate, we have a success planner to manage our time. We are able to decide specifically what are we going to do for the day. This definitely reduce idling time. Our time are fully utilised. you should do the same too! 🙂

3) Get rid of msn while at work

Sometimes when we are preparing to do work, like optimizing my search engine ranking, preparing financial materials for clients, we tend to deviate to do other things like chatting with our friends in msn etc… Get rid of all these “time-consuming” activities.

I leave my tips to here. I am sure you readers of my blogs have more ideas… Do contribute at the comments section 🙂


p.s. By the way, if you wish to discover a simple & halal way to create a positive monthly cashflow and calculate your net worth for FREE, then please click here…

Helmi Hakim