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5 Ways To Marie Kondo Your Finance, The Shariah Compliant Way In Singapore…

5 Ways To Marie Kondo Your Finance, The Shariah Compliant Way In Singapore…

Marie Kondo Islamic Finance Singapore

I was watching the trending Netflix series on Marie Kondo, who is famously known as the tidiest woman in the world.
Marie Kondo, from Japan is an expert in tidying things up.
It amazes me on how she has 6 months wait list for potential clients.


I mean there are people in this world who want to learn her “life changing habits of tidying up”?

They want to learn seemingly simple tasks like…
How to fold your clothes. How to arrange your books.
How to get rid of clutter.
Or in her words… “getting rid of items that don’t spark joy.”

All in all using the KonMari method…

I was like, WOW!

I got intrigued and researched more about it.
And today, I will like to share with you my own version as an Islamic Finance Practitioner in Singapore.

“5 Ways To Marie Kondo Your Finances, The Shariah Compliant Way In Singapore...”

1) Marie Kondo your haram financial instruments away

First thing first, as an investor, we want to make money.
We want to make lots of them. The more, the BETTER!

Yet you and I know that we CANNOT set our qiblat on money alone.
We have to be aware on what is Halal.
And what is Haram.
Because we will be questioned during yaumul qiayamah.

For me once I learnt about shariah compliant screening methodologies, I Marie Kondo-ed  away my non shariah compliant investments that have broken even.
And FOCUS my effort 100% on shariah compliant financial instruments.

When I know all the money that I make is Halal, it brings peace to me.
Or in Marie Kondo’s words, “It sparks joy for me!” 🙂

2) Marie Kondo your past achievements away. What is important is now and the future.

Some people say…
Last time, there was an Islamic Bank in Singapore.
Last time, there were MORE shariah compliant financial instruments in Singapore.
Last time…..this and that.
I told them:
“If you want to talk about last time, I would say last time, my grandmother was also beautiful!!

She is 90 years old now, so praising her for her physical beauty is not relevant now. 🙂

What we should be focusing now is the present. What can we do today as an ummah to uplift Islamic Finance in Singapore?

Marie Kondo away your past glory. And focus on what we can do now.
And for our future.


3) Marie Kondo your ego away

You know. Sometimes, when I meet people.
They yayapapaya assume they know everything about Islamic Finance.

They think they know EVERYTHING!


When fact is, they barely know a thing.

To me Knowledge is power. Yet in order to receive it, one must first, be humble and ‘Marie Kondo’ one’s ego away.

Imam Syafi’i RA said,

“If you want happiness in this world,you need knowledge.
If you want happiness in the hereafter, you need knowledge.
If you want happiness in this world and hereafter, you need knowledge.”

….and only when you are humble, open to learning new things, and when you are ready.
Your teacher will appear. 🙂

4) Be thankful and Marie Kondo your negative thoughts away

If you have watched the first episode, the “process” begins with you greeting your house first.
Communicate with your house.
By thanking your house for always protecting you.

Appreciate what you have.

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When you throw your clothes away, you must thank the clothes for letting you wear them.
Thank your clothing item 1 by 1.

When you fold your clothes, take the opportunity to thank them.

I like Marie Kondo’s approach because I believe everything in this world is a creation of Allah S.W.T.
Be it our clothes.
Our house. Our money. The air that we breathe.
Everything is a creation of Allah S.W.T.
We have to be thankful for them.

Say Alhamdulillah…. 🙂

This is what I do during my signature program, “Your Financial M.A.P.”

I shared with my clients plenty of money saving tips.
And one thing, I told them is the importance of GRATITUDE.

You must feel thankful even if you manage to save $50.
$20. Or even $10.

Because Allah S.W.T. said in the Quran: “If you are grateful, I would certainly give you more

I’ve always believed that every big success stems from us being grateful for our small success.
Small successes will attract big successes as time passes.

Allah will bless us with more wealth if we are thankful. We have to be thankful even for small successes. Celebrate all our wins! 🙂

5) Marie Kondo your negative friends away and build deeper relationship with Allah S.W.T.

Your circle is important.

Who you mix with everyday is going to determine who you become in the future.
Marie Kondo away your negative friends.
I am not asking you to cut silaturahim.
Just spend lesser time with them.

In addition to that, build a deeper relationship with Allah S.W.T.

Our financial planning partner in our life is not our wife.
Not our mum. Not our dad.
Our financial planning partner is Allah S.W.T.

Build deeper relationship with Allah S.W.T. through our tahajjud prayers.
Through our taubat prayers. Through our hajat prayers.

Always Istighfar. Selawat.
Recite Al Fatihah. Ayatul Kursi.
Surah Al Ikhlas. Surah An Nas. Surah Al Falaq.
Surah Yasin. Surah Kahfi.

Everything we want to do…
Remember this…

Allah first.
Allah again.
Allah always...


Allah says Allah is nearer to us than our jugular vein. (Surah Qaf, Verse 16)
Allah knows best! 🙂


Now… I hope you have benefited from my sharing on 5 Ways To Marie Kondo Your Finance, The Shariah Compliant Way In Singapore…

If you are seeking a mentor, coach, consultant to share with you practical aspects on how you can plan your finance, the shariah compliant way in Singapore, I am always ready to help you.

You can always whatsapp/sms me at 96520134 to schedule a FREE consultation.
Or perhaps click here to schedule an appointment.

You will want to schedule it asap because I can only accommodate 5 slots for the following month.

Click here to schedule your FREE consultation today!

Take Care!  ?

7 Things That Make It Easier To Achieve Your Halal Financial Goals in Singapore…

7 Things That Make It Easier To Achieve Your Halal Financial Goals in Singapore…

Halal Financial Goals

Achieving your Halal financial goals in Singapore is like driving a car.
After driving for some time, Alhamdulillah… finally you reach your destination safely.

There are 7 simple yet IMPORTANT things that you need to have to ensure that you reach your destination safely.

I have created the infographic below to sum up this blog post. 🙂

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1) You need to know where you are

If you call me today. And you ask me…

“Helmi. How do I get to Masjid Al-Islah at Punggol?

The first thing that I will ask you immediately is,
“Where are you now?” 🙂

Similarly, in finance,
you got to first know where you stand exactly in terms of your personal finance.

You can create your personal networth statement and personal cashflow statement.
In short, your networth is Your Total Assets minus your Your Total Liabilities.

Your Final cashflow is Your Total Inflow minus your Your Total Outflow.

What is your PERSONAL NETWORTH (excluding the house you are staying) now?
How about your cashflow? Do you have a positive cashflow or negative cashflow every month?

Start looking at these numbers closely. Because only when performance is measured, it can be improved.

Of course, if you engage a financial consultant like myself, I can help you out with your 7 financial ratios.


2) You need to know your destination

My overall goal as a financial consultant is to help you

INCREASE your shariah compliant investible assets in your networth statement
-SHORTCUT and accelerate your process to increase your personal networth in a Halal manner
-Reduce and eliminate your riba based loans once and for all

And at the same time, help you achieve your short term and your long term financial goals.

These short term and long term financial goals are what I term as “your destination”.

Are you saving for your retirement? Saving for your child’s education?


3) You need a vehicle

In order for you to reach a certain destination, you need to have a mode of transport. Are you travelling by bus?
By car?
By motorcycle? By train?
By plane?
Or by ship? 🙂

Royal Albatross
(My first time boarding Royal Albatross without the need to have a passport)


For me, I drive my Hyudai Elantra everyday to work.
And if I travel, I like to travel to my favourite destinations with AirAsia.
Of course!! I will  savour their delicious serving of Nasi Lemak Pak Nasser while on board.
Nasi Lemak Pak Nasser is my favourite! 🙂

If I am overseas, I have my Grab app and Gojek by my side.
It is super duper convenient! 🙂


Similarly when you are saving money for your financial objectives, you need to have a RELIABLE FINANCIAL VEHICLE.

For short term financial objectives like your 3-6 months emergency funds, you can leave your money in the Al Wadiah savings account.
It is shariah compliant because Al Wadiah savings account gives Hibah.
Hibah, Gift = Halal
Riba = Haram

For your long term financial objectives, you want to make sure that your money works harder for you.
Al Wadiah Hibah of 0.6-0.8%/annum is not enough.
You want more.
You need more…. You deserve more!
That is where you will look into shariah compliant stocks/funds/Halal REITS etc2 as part of your portfolio.

If you are clueless on shariah compliant ways to make money,  schedule “Your Financial M.A.P.” session, for FREE! 🙂

4) You need adequate petrol

Some people told me, they want to be a millionaire in 15 years time, by investing $150/mth
Let me do the maths for you.
$150/mth X 12 months X 15 years = $27,000

I told them… Hello…
If today you want to drive to Penang from Singapore.
And you only fill up $10 worth of petrol.
Will you reach Penang?

Confirm, you won’t reach. In fact, you CAN’T even reach Malacca with $10 worth of petrol.

But some of them argued…
‘Alah… Helmi… I can only afford $150/mth now…”

Then I told them, its okay to start with $150/mth. Along the way, you have to top up.

Its like driving your car. When you don’t have enough petrol, you need to top up the petrol. 🙂

5) You need someone to show directions: Google Map. Waze.

That someone is called a mentor, coach or advisor.

There are 20,000 financial consultants in Singapore.

Some people asked me. What is the difference between ME and the rest of the 19,999 financial consultants in Singapore?

The difference is simple.

I specialise in helping Muslim families plan their finance, the shariah compliant way in Singapore.
So that they can lead a blessful life in this dunya.
And also the akhira..

Amin. Allahumma Amin…. 🙂

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(Catch me in Mediacorp Suria shows, “Wahhnita” and “Alah Abang, Amboi Kakak” to be aired in February 2019)


6) You need to check your blindspot. You might need additional mirrors. Definitely, you need insurance.

You need to have Plan A. 
Plan B. And Plan C.

Especially if you intend to drive long distance, it is good to have additional mirrors.
Additional precautionary measures in place. Definitely you need insurance.
I remembered many years back then, while was still a student.
Back then when I was in Ngee Ann Poly Business Incubator program.
My partner and I were required to present our business plan to a group of investors.
I was in charge of the pro forma financial statements.

I had to forecast the trading, profit & loss statement for the next 3 years. 
5 years. And 10 years.
I had to project my forecast into 3.
Pessimistic. Neutral. And optimistic sales figure.
We clinched the deal.

To my mind, that was a super good training ground, because entrepreneurs are usually optimistic. 
We always think that everything will fall in place nicely.
Yes. Sometimes it does, with the help of Allah S.W.T.
Yet, sometimes it doesn’t. That it where you need contingency plan.

You need Plan A.
Plan B. Plan C. 
And Plan D.

In Malay, we call it, “Sediakan payung sebelum hujan.”! 🙂

In today’s investment environment, there are so many variables to account for.
Weakening and strengthening of the USD$. 
Interest rate hikes (there were 3 rate hikes from the Fed in year 2018)
Donald Trump Trade war (market follows closely to whatever he tweets)
So many things to read on Bloomberg. On MorningStar. On Business Times.

Financial products keep evolving too. 

Yesterday, I met one couple. They mentioned that they want a financial vehicle that covers EVERYTHING..
Covers hospitalisation. Covers personal accident.
Covers their income replacement needs, death, total & permanent disability, critical illness.
Covers retirement. Covers child’s education. Wealth accumulation.
Basically, a SUPER COMBO plan consolidate into 1.

I shared with them, that there is no such plan. If there is, I also want! 🙂
We have to segregate Plan A.
Plan B. Plan C. Plan D. Plan E….
And Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, Plan D, Plan E are within my purview as a financial planner.

Others from other industries such as real estate can share
Plan F.
Plan G and Plan H.
Basically diversify. Don’t put your eggs in 1 basket.
Have contingency plans in place!

7) You as the driver need to be focused. Drink coffee.
Stay alert.

You as the driver need to be focused.
Especially if you drive long distances. Drink coffee.
Stay alert!!

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By being focused, you should also know where you want to go
and not be swayed by other people’s opinions.

Some drivers, they drive so far and almost…..reach their destination.
Suddenly one of their passengers distract them.
The passenger said, “Hello!!!! You are going the wrong way!”

Instead of moving forward towards their destination, the driver did a U-Turn.

Imagine…. You are so close to your destination and suddenly you U-Turn.
You U-Turn because your friend gives you wrong advice.
You are so hospitable, so caring, so accommodating to offer your friend a ride on your car. 

Instead of thanking you, he “sabo” you by leading you to the wrong direction.

Similarly, there are many people in life. At first, they were doing good.

Then, their friends give unqualified opinions.
Alah… Why you do this? 
Alah… Why you do that?
Singapore, non Muslim country can do it the Halal way meh?
And they give you 1001 myths on planning the finance, the shariah compliant way in Singapore.

To me the unqualified opinions are like passengers in the car who are clueless.
Yet think they know the direction, and show you the wrong way.
Or if you board a ship, the unqualified opinions are like storms in the sea.

What I did is that I installed “anchors”.
I  install “anchors” in all my financial planning presentations. In a good way.
If you are my client, confirm + chop , you will recognise these anchors.
And you will thank me for that! 🙂

I will share with you one of my “anchors”.

“The Apple Concept”. 

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This “Apple Concept” is suitable to apply when there is a market downturn.
Market Pandemonium. Everybody kan cheong spider, you relax. 🙂

Example you buy apple (the fruit you can eat) today at $1.
It goes down to 90 cents. Up 91 cents. Down 90.122345.

What do you do?
Dont bother. Ignore!
We are not speculators.
We are not traders.
We are investors!
However, when price of Apple goes down to 50 cents.
What do you do? Buy more.

Similarly, when market goes up or down a bit, dont bother.
However, when  the fund price selling at cheap price, buy more.
So that can make more money when the price goes up in the future.
(A lot of pple get scared and they sell and they lose money)

There are one of the many anchors that I shared during my financial planning presentation to manage my clients’ expectation and ensure that they remained focus, instead of listening to the “noises” in the market.


The 2nd thing that I share my clients or reiterate to them to ensure that they remain focus is to remind them of their Niat and their “Big Why”.

You need to know why you do what you do. If you save for your child’s education.
Your child is your BIG WHY.
You save money because you love your child.
Because you want to see your child grow up as a good human being.
Because you want your child to have a good job. Or have a business.
Or even perhaps continue your legacy in this dunya.

When your Big Why is strong, you would not lapse a plan.
What is your Big Why when you get a certain plan or you embark on a certain endeavour?
Your reason or your Big Why must be strong! 🙂

My Big Why is my family. My niat is to establish Islamic Finance in Singapore is because I see that as one of my pathway for me to go to heaven.
Every time, I feel down. I feel like giving up (giving up is easy by the way).

I remind myself of this Hadith.
“From Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar -may Allah be pleased with him- that Allah’s messenger -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, “The trustworthy, honest Muslim merchant will be with the Prophets, the honest men, and martyrs on the Day of Resurrection. ’

I want to go to Jannah. I want to join the syuhadas.
That is why when I conduct my business,
I do my level best to be as transparent as possible. I left no stone unturn!

In fact, now I treat every single action I take as accumulating saham akhirat.
Come, partner with me.
We can kumpul saham akhirat together! Amin. Amin. Insya’Allah! 🙂

Now… I hope you have benefited from my sharing on 7 Things That Makes It Easier To Achieve Your Halal Financial Goals in Singapore…

If you are seeking a mentor, coach, consultant to share with you practical aspects on how you can protect your wealth using Halal Insurance in Singapore
save, accumulate and grow your money the shariah compliant way in Singapore
, I am always ready to help you.

You can always whatsapp/sms me at 96520134 to schedule a FREE consultation.
Or perhaps click here to schedule an appointment.

You will want to schedule it asap because I can only accommodate 5 slots for this month.

Click here to schedule your FREE consultation today!

Take Care!  ?

5 Most Important Rules To Halal Savings For Your Retirement in Singapore…

5 Most Important Rules To Halal Savings For Your Retirement in Singapore…

Retirement Halal

One of my favourite topics is on retirement planning.
Recently, a lot of people came to me asking for tips, strategies on how they can save money for their retirement.
In this blog post, I will share with you,
5 Most Important Rules To Halal Savings For Your Retirement In Singapore…

Rule #1. Start Early

This is my story.

During my early years as a financial consultant, I always advise my clients of the importance and advantages of saving money EARLY for their retirement.

Yet at times, I myself faced challenges when I wanted to save money. I came out with lots of “EXCUSES”!

“Alah… Wait lah… Im still young. YOLO!!!!
Enjoy first. Later, when I am in my thirties, then I will start saving for my retirement.”

“Alah…. My pay is so little now. Wait when my income increases to a substantial amount, then I will start saving for my retirement.”

Yet deep down in my heart, I know that the best time for me to start saving money for my retirement is when I step into the workforce.

This is because, at that point of time, we DO NOT have high money commitments.

We don’t have a wife to give nafkah.
We don’t have children to provide for their daily living expenses.
We don’t have a house to pay for monthly mortgages.
The facts and figures are as clear as daylight.

If you want to retire comfortably in the future.
No shortcuts!

Start saving money for your retirement as EARLY AS POSSIBLE! 🙂

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(The hill gets steeper if you choose to procrastinate and delay your savings for your retirement)


Rule #2. Follow A Proven System and Personalize It

As you know, I struggled to save money during my early 20s.

Yes. I had my savings account. (I opened one at that point of time because I knew the importance of saving money for rainy days. In Malay, we call it, ‘Sediakan payung sebelum hujan’)

Yet. My SAVINGS account is more like a TRANSIT account.

The money rarely stayed at one place.
It moved around.
And it seldom remained in the account.

How many of you are like that?

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Man… The feeling was bitter.
Every 13th of the month, at 12am, my salary would be credited.
By 11pm, the same day, 3/4 of my salary was gone to pay bills.

I told myself back then.
“I want to be a MONEY MAGNET!

So what did I do?

I read books.
I found mentors. (Paid lots of $$$ to learn from them)
I followed proven systems that many successful people had followed.

You know some of those concepts.
Concepts like,

‘Save First and then Spend’,
‘Forced Savings’
‘Identify and Differentiate Between Your Needs and Your Wants’,
‘Invest in Equities, Bonds, Commodities, REITS, Properties, ETFs’
‘Robert Kiyosaki ESBI’ model

Coupled with my 3 year knowledge Diploma In Accountancy from Ngee Ann Polytechnic, I began to develop the right mix.
The right recipe. The right formulas.

It’s a bit like cooking Sambal Udang.

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(picture from resepinannie.blogspot.com)

You need to find the right balance.
The right amount of cili kering (dried chillies).
Salt. Sugar. Prawns.
Everything in the right proportion.


My small, little advice.

If you have found a recipe and a system that works well for you…

Don’t have ‘itchy fingers’.

Stick with it. Follow the system closely.

Repeat the process again. Again. And all over again.
Till you reach your retirement objective.

It is that simple.

Simple yet sometimes, difficult to follow.
Yes. If you have been trying to save money, and failed numerous times.

Let me tell you 1 thing.

It is not your fault.

We are human beings. We have our own DNA.
We have our strengths. And we have our limitations.

So the key here is for you to personalise your plan.

This is HOW I PERSONALISED my retirement plan.

As a Muslim, I know that Allah S.W.T. determines my rezeki.

Everything that I do, can only happen with Allah’s will.

Say: “Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us. He is our Mawla (protector).” And in Allah let the believers put their trust.)

Quran (Surah Tawba, Verse 51)

Thus I made a decision, that whatever financial strategy that I am going to do.
I am going to do it the shariah compliant way. The Halal way in Singapore.

Because at the end of the day, its not all about strategies. Its about baraqah.
Its about seeking redha from Allah S.W.T.

I made up my mind.
I made a commitment.

I set myself to pursue knowledge to COMBINE the best financial planning practices in the conventional world and the Islamic Finance world.

Below are some concepts that I have innovated. If you want to learn more, click here for a free consultation session. 🙂

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Rule #3. Consistent

One of the most important rule when it comes to savings for your retirement the Halal way in Singapore is that you must be CONSISTENT.

In Arabic, we call it Istiqamah.

I remember the story of “Rabbit and Tortoise”, that my teacher shared with me when I was in primary school.

You know the OVERCONFIDENT rabbit that lost the race to the tortoise.
The overconfident rabbit slept halfway, thinking he was fast.
He was quick. He was agile.
The slow tortoise will lose to him.
But lo and behold, the slow tortoise won the race because the slow tortoise was CONSISTENT.

What I learnt from this story is that you can be the best financial wizard in the world.

You can have the best retirement strategies in place.

Yet, if you are not CONSISTENT in applying them.

Having enough money for your retirement will remain a far-fetched dream.

I realise that a lot of people, treat money-saving habits like “hangat hangat tahi ayam.”

At first they get excited with the idea of retirement planning. But when they realize that it requires work, they feel let down.

Every other day, I have strangers asking my opinions on the latest get rich quick schemes.
Some asked for my opinion. Some asked for my endorsement.

Fast Cash

(Something like this)

I disappointed them by telling them in the face that there is no elevator to success.
You have to climb up the stairs.

I am a firm believer of ” Man jadda wajada, wa man zara’a hasada, wa man yajtahid yanjah ”
Man jadda wajada, Siapa berusaha, dia dapat.

Man zara’a hasada means “sesiapa yang bercucuk tanam (Inshallah) akan menuai hasilnya.”

Man yajtahid yanjah means “sesiapa yang berusaha (Inshallah) akan beroleh kejayaan.”

and when it comes to savings for retirement. You have to CONSISTENTLY set aside a monthly amount for your retirement. Don’t touch that money. Don’t stop.

Because once you stop, you lose your momentum. And it will be difficult for you to start again.


Rule #4. Be Flexible. Adjust

Along the way, we may face challenges.

Things don’t go as planned.

I always share with my clients. You draw a straight line on a piece of paper.

It may look straight in your eyes.

But how confident are you that, the straight line that you draw is really straight?

In life, you need to be flexible.

I love this quote by Confucius.


Adjust the action steps.

Work with practitioners.
People who hustle and make things happen on the ground.

They devote  their entire life perfecting their craft.
Be humble. Seek help from these people.

These people know the tricks of the trade.
And most importantly, they do it the legal way.
In short, we call them street smart.

If someone is doing better than you, its because they know something you don’t.

Be flexible. Model a proven winner. Copy someone who is making a mint right now.

If things don’t work for you, don’t shift your goals. Adjust.


Rule #5. Don’t Give Up

We are lucky to be Muslims.

Because as Muslims, we believe in Allah S.W.T.

Whenever we face problems and challenges.
Don’t place everything on our shoulders.

Remember what Allah S.W.T says


Setiap kesusahan, pasti ada kesenangan.

(Behind every difficulty is a blessing.)

As Muslims, our 6th pillars of Iman is Qada and Qadar.

My mentor always reminds me of Qada and Qadar.

Qada is ketentuan from Allah S.W.T.
Sunatullah that Allah S.W.T. has set.
Example, for rainy days, one of the signs is that the sky turns dark. Cloudy.
And rain falls from the sky. Not from the surface of the earth.
If rain falls, we cannot stop that.

However, we can AVOID ourselves from GETTING WET.

By opening an umbrella. Open and walk under that umbrella!

That Umbrella is Qadar. Which is our effort.
We cannot stop the rain (Qada) yet we can avoid getting wet by using an umbrella (Qadar).

Don’ be disheartened when you stumble and fall down while working towards your financial objectives.
Dust yourself up, stand and continue working towards your goals.


Now… I hope you have benefited from my sharing on 5 Most Important Rules To Halal Savings For Your Retirement in Singapore.

If you are seeking a mentor, coach, consultant to share with you practical aspects on how you can protect your wealth using Halal Insurance in Singapore
save, accumulate and grow your money the shariah compliant way in Singapore
, I am always ready to help you.

You can always whatsapp/sms me at 96520134 to schedule a FREE consultation.
Or perhaps click here to schedule an appointment.

You will want to schedule it asap because I can only accommodate 5 slots for this month.

Click here to schedule your FREE consultation today!

Take Care!  ?

5 Ways To Protect Your Wealth The Shariah Compliant Way In Singapore…

5 Ways To Protect Your Wealth The Shariah Compliant Way In Singapore…

Recently, a number of newly weds came to me asking my professional perspective on coverage against death, total & permanent disability and critical illness.

They feel a sense of responsibility.  They are concerned for their loved ones should anything happen to them.

To me, this is GOOD news.

Because it reflects ONE THING.

It shows that the level of awareness on the needs for wealth protection in our Muslim community in Singapore has INCREASED significantly over the years.

As we all know, all of us work to earn an income.

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Income to feed our family.
To pay for our food.
Our housing mortgage installments.
Nafkah for our wife.
Allowance for our parents.

Basically to pay for our expenses.

We use our INCOME to pay for our living EXPENSES.

What if one day we are no longer around ?
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What if one day, we are totally crippled?
Totally paralyzed.
Not able to move at all?

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What if critical illnesses were to strike?

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Our Living Expenses will CONTINUE.

But Our Income will most likely STOP!

Thus, today, I am going to share with you aspects on wealth protection.

I want to share with you…


5 Ways On How You Can Protect Your Wealth, The Shariah Compliant Way in Singapore.

1) Be Healthy By Watching Your Diet

The Arabs of old said: The stomach is the home of disease and restraint is the basis of the remedy.

To me.
Fasting is the Answer.

I personally love the month of Ramadan.
After our stomach that has been working hard for the 11 months, Ramadan presents an opportunity for our stomachs to rest.

Other than the month of Ramadhan where we not only fulfill our religious obligation and get to rest our stomach,
I do my best to fast on the recommended (sunat) days in Islam.

I have created an infographic below that I personally use to take note of the recommended (sunat) days to fast.

Other than exercising restraint in my tendency to overindulge, it gives me an opportunity to accumulate good deeds (pahala) for the akhira in the future.


Other than fasting, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Please And Blessings Be Upon Him) has taught us the formula for moderation when we eat our food.
We should fill our stomachs with
1/3 of food,
1/3 of drink
And leave 1/3 for breath.


Prophet Muhammad (Please And Blessings Be Upon Him) said:
“No human ever filled a vessel worse than the stomach. Sufficient for any son of Adam are some morsels to keep his back straight. But if it must be, then one third for his food, one third for his drink and one third for his breath.”

[Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasaa’I, Ibn Majah – Hadith sahih]


2) Be Healthy By Exercising Regularly

To me, health is wealth.

Our body is an amanah from Allah S.W.T. on this earth.

We have to take great care of it by exercising regularly.

All of us know exercising is important.

It keeps us in shape. Makes us look better.
Makes us look younger.
Boosts our energy.
Help us lose weight and  of course, lower risk of some diseases.

Most importantly, it keeps us alive.

A lot of people are rich.
But what is the meaning of wealth when you can’t enjoy that plate of nasi minyak with rendang and ayam masak merah?



Nasi Minyak 1024x768


Or that slice of durian D24?

Durian 1

Because you are sick.

What is wealth when you don’t have the energy, the stamina to play “police and thief” with your children?
Gasping for air just by chasing them around your house?

Safeguard your health by making time to exercise while you enjoy your wealth.


3) Be Healthy By Quitting Smoking

When I draft up the cashflow statement for my prospects.

Especially those heavily in debt, I like to narrow down to how much they can SAVE if they quit smoking.

Smoking is a very expensive habit in Singapore.

1 package of Marlboro cigarettes in Singapore is SGD$14 (I Google-d for the info)
$14 X 30 days = $420/mth
$420/mth X 12 months = $5040

That $5040, you can use to enjoy going on holiday to Europe with your loved ones.

Helmi Hakim Financial Advisor

Cashflow Statement

Quit Smoking

(Pictures of me conducting Quit Smoking Campaign organised by Health Promotion Board)


Besides that, smoking is bad for your health.

Smoking can cause fatal diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer.

Yes. Think about your love ones.

Seek help. Protect your wealth by being healthy.
Take the first step to quit smoking today.

4) Hijama Cupping (Bekam) 

This is something I personally do twice a year to remove toxic blood from my body.
(You can get a qualified Hijama specialist to assist you with this)

Hijama Cupping Therapy is a Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him)

Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) said:
“Cupping is the most helpful procedure for human beings to cure themselves.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari 5357)

The importance of hijama in the divine guidance can further be stressed by the following words which were related to the Prophet SAW on the night of Israa (ascension to the heaven) by angels:
“O Mohammed, encourage your ummah (people) to do hijama (cupping)”.
 – Saheeh, Sunan Tirmidhi.


Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (Allah’s peace be upon him) said: “I did not pass by an angel from the angels on the night journey except that they all said to me: Upon you is cupping (hijama), O Muhammad.” [Saheeh, Sunan ibn Majah]


 “The best medicine with which you treat yourselves is cupping, or it is one of the best of your medicines.” Or “The treatment for you is cupping.” [Bukhari: 5371]


5) Have a shariah compliant critical illness plan in place

A Malay proverb says, “Kita merancang, tuhan menentukan.”

We can plan on protecting our wealth by being healthy. By being fit.
Plan whatever we want.

Yet as Muslims, we believe in the 6th Pillars of Iman, Qada and Qadar.
If things are to happen, they will happen.
By the will of Allah S.W.T.

That is why after making Doa to Allah S.W.T.
and taking appropriate actions to maintain our health, we need to have contingencies in place.

Our family is an amanah from Allah S.W.T.
We need to take care of them. We need to have Plan B, in case Plan A doesnt work.

We need Halal insurance in Singapore, as part of our contingency plans if things happen.

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Halal insurance in Singapore provides you with 2 pillars.
Firstly is Income Protection.

We earn Income to pay for our mortgage loan, our car and support our family.
Should death, total & permanent disability or critical illness were to strike, your income will STOP.

Yet, most of your expenses will continue.

Family needs to eat.
Utility bills still need to be paid for.
Who is going to fund that if you no longer earn an INCOME?

Halal insurance in Singapore will help you and your family.
Proceeds from Halal Insurance will help to pay for your living expenses, should death, tpd and critical illness were to occur.


Alhamdulillah. If nothing happens.

If you are perfectly healthy. Perfectly OKAY during your retirement age.
Good News for you.
The plan has cash value.
You can choose to liquidate the money from Halal Takaful funds and use it as part of your retirement.

In short, Halal Insurance provides you with 2 pillars.
Protection and Cash Value.

My mentor used to tell me, “The difference between a poor old man and elderly gentleman is INCOME.”

You don’t want to depend on your children to fund your retirement goals.
You want to be proactive. You want to take charge of your life.
Halal Insurance in Singapore is the solution! 🙂


Now… I hope you have benefited from my sharing.
If you are seeking a mentor, coach, consultant to share with you practical aspects on how you can protect your wealth using Halal Insurance in Singapore
save, accumulate and grow your money the shariah compliant way in Singapore
, I am always ready to help you.

You can always whatsapp/sms me at 96520134 to schedule a FREE consultation.
Or perhaps click here to schedule an appointment.

You will want to schedule it asap because I can only accommodate 5 slots for this month.

Click here to schedule your FREE consultation today!

Take Care!  🙂


3 Things Financial Consultant, Helmi Hakim, Learnt From Google Dance Singapore 2018…..

3 Things Financial Consultant, Helmi Hakim, Learnt From Google Dance Singapore 2018…..

Alhamdulillah… I was invited to Google Dance Singapore 2018 recently.

It was an awesome event.

I was very excited to learn from the panel of experts on how to promote Islamic Finance in Singapore using the internet.
At the same time, I was eager to explore the Google HQ office at Pasir Panjang.
I heard many good stuff about Google’s work culture and their creative office.
And feel very privileged to also be invited for a tour! 🙂

Helmi Hakim Google Office

Helmi Hakim Google Guest


Google Office





Google Office Kitchen

Google Food

Google Drink

Google Healthy Drink

Google Office 3



Youtube 2

Google Takaful Singapore

I snapped too many pictures. If you would like to see how Google Singapore office looks like, click here to view them on my facebook page!
In this post I want to share with you 3 Things I Learnt From Google Dance 2018…..

1) Technology Saves Business Cost

During the session, I learnt about lots of cool gadgets, apps, software and hardware that can drive up profits and help save business cost.

I learnt how Google Bot works.
Google Bot Helmi Hakim
(Cute little Google Bot, a memento I received from the Google Search Team)

How Google Works 1024x768

Crawling Indexing Rankingandserving 1024x768 Deferred Rendering 1024x768 Deferred Rendering 2 1024x768

I learnt about Google Search Console (if you are a web developer, this tool is relevant for you)…..

Search Console 1024x768


Dashboard Google 1024x768

Google Search Console Four 1024x768 Google Search Console One 1024x768


However, most importantly, the one that caught my attention and AMAZED me the most is

Tilt Brush by Google.

This technology blew me away.

Tilt Brush by Google allows you to express your creativity by drawing in 3D. very atas

View this video to understand how it works. 🙂

I usually use the Illustrator app on my Ipad to draw and also to take notes.

But now.. to be able to enter another world….
And draw on 3D is simply SPECTACULAR! 🙂

Never in my mind, I thought of entering another visual world and having FUN.
Painting rainbows with virtual brushes. Expressing my creativity.
Building a safe refuge. Creating a world of my own.
How wonderful is that? 🙂

Then I started to think about practicality. About pragmatics.
Okay. This gadget is cool.
But how exactly this technology can be USEFUL in our REAL world?

I do understand that this technology may be helpful for developers, developing virtual 3D games.

But how is exactly useful for common people like us?
Basically, how can this be a practical business application?

I spoke with one of the participants.
He mentioned that there is a cleaning company in Singapore that leverages on this technology.

Cleaner 1024x856

All of us know that the employment turnover rate in the cleaning industry is HIGH at 30-40%.

Before the cleaners were deployed, they need to be trained. That is $$$.
They need to be trained by in-house qualified trainers. That is $$$.
The in-house qualified trainers also have to be trained. That is $$$.
When the cleaners leave the job, another new one comes in, also need to be trained. $$$ again.
Trainers also leave and when new trainers come in, they need to be trained.
$$$ and more $$$ needed again!

So what the cleaning company did is they created a SYSTEM leveraging on such technology.
New cleaners will wear such gadgets as above, and be trained to clean in the virtual world.
At the end of the session, they will have to take a test in the virtual world and PASS the minimum scores.

To my mind, this is brilliant way for the cleaning company to save business cost! 🙂



2. Robots cannot replace humans completely

Someone asked the panel of experts about Google Robots.
Google Singapore Panel Experts

He asked some technical questions that appear gibberish for me.
I’m not a technical person.
Html, C++, Javascript codes.
I know nothing of it. Serious.

He asked how to befriend the robots through coding of websites.

What the panel of experts shared was simple yet profound.
The panel of experts told us to focus more on users’ experience.

When you write a blog post (like mine), don’t write like you are communicating with a robot.
Write as if you are communicating with your friend.

If your friend or your target market read your blog post, and they feel OKAY.
Google Bot will also feel OKAY.

If your friend or your target market read your blog post, and they DON’T FEEL OKAY.
Google Bot will also feel NOT OKAY.

The panel of experts also mentioned about chatbots.
Chatbots are basically like virtual human beings, programmed to ask and answer questions from prospects or clients.

How some developers designed their chatbots is that they just take ALL the questions from survey forms and program it as automated questions to ask potential clients at the chatbots.
Questions like..
-what is your name?
-what is your age?
-what is your gender?
-what is your house address?
-do you smoke?
-what is your highest qualification level?

You know what? It is super duper boring.

The panel of experts suggested us to add human elements. Personalise our message.

Make the robot as human as possible.

Again. Make the robot as human as possible.

To me, this is cool.

Because it only means 1 thing.

It only means that human beings are still needed on this earth.
If you are in the service industry, this is GOOD NEWS for you.

Human beings still want to deal with other human beings.
Robots are just good for simple, repetitive and mundane tasks.

They can help us make our jobs easy.
But never, ever replace us completely.

3. Your network is Super important

During the event, I gauged that almost 60-70% of the audiences came from overseas.
Vietnam… Malaysia, Thailand… Indonesia… Japan..

I made friends with a number of them.
And still maintain contact.
I have a quote that I think hold relevant in today’s competitive business environment.

“Excellence of yesterday is a commodity today and will become obsolete tomorrow.”

Which means: Something that is so unique, so enterprising,
so powerful yesterday, has become normal or baseline standards in today’s context.

And my favorite solution to prevent our business from being a commodity.
Or worst… Obsolete.

Is to reinvent ourselves by networking and continuously learning from people from other countries.

From other fields. From other industries.


They know something what we don’t. And we know something that they don’t.

If I find something that works super well in other countries.
I always think, if that same stuff can be apply in my business in Singapore.

Boyyyyy….. Google Dance provided me the platform to network with other brilliant IT/marketing practitioners.

I learnt from them lots of cool apps, gadgets that I can’t wait to implement for my business.

Super awesome stuff that can help my clients achieve the financial goals that they want to achieve.
Using tools that never come across my mind before.

…And yes, that is why your network is super duper important.
There is a saying, “Your network = Networth”.
I embrace that idea completely.
I hope you learn something valuable from my sharing.

In my capacity as a financial consultant, I devote time, energy and a lot of resources to perfect my craft.

If you are seeking a mentor, coach, consultant to share with you practical, UP TO DATE, and modern ways on how you can save, accumulate and grow your money the shariah compliant way in Singapore, let me do the heavy lifting for you.

Let me help you.

You can always whatsapp/sms me at 96520134 to schedule a FREE consultation.
Or  click here to schedule an appointment.

You will want to schedule it asap because I can only accommodate 5 slots for the next 3 weeks before I go for my army reservist.

Click here to schedule your FREE consultation today!

Take Care!